Browsing Category: Amber Varnishes Displaying 1-2 of 2 Found.
Amber Varnish Clear
Amber Varnish Clear

€45.00 - €85.00
A specially formulated, high concentration of dissolved amber resin in linseed, walnut or poppy oil for use as a general painting medium. Designed for mixing with light colored pigments or tube paints.

When dry, amber varnish is impervious to common solvents, preserving the colors under a hard yet flexible lustrous surface.

Colors applied with amber medium require no finishing varnish since they are encased in a resinous protection.

There is no greater insurance of permanence than with the use of amber varnish, as attested to by the works of the Old Masters we so enjoy which are as vivid today as when they were first created.

Artists using this medium will be able to reproduce in their paintings the transparency and depth found in the paintings of the Renaissance and Baroque era.

Available in Linseed, Walnut or Poppy.

These mediums contain no driers, are solvent free and are all natural.

30ml: €45.00
60ml: €85.00

No VAT charged
Catalog:     Sku: AMBER VARNISH CLEAR Browse Category: Amber Varnishes
Amber Varnish Dark
Amber Varnish Dark

€45.00 - €85.00
A high concentration of amber fused in linseed oil for use as a general painting medium or as a varnish for musical instruments based on the traditional recipe for amber varnish listed in the seventeenth century De Mayerne Manuscript, British Museum, Sloane 2052.This varnish was described by the seventeenth century Italian oil painters, Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi as having been used not only as a varnish for painting and for varnishing lutes.
A second mention of this varnish is also listed in the De Mayerne Manuscript as the true varnish for lutes and viols.

Available in linseed, or walnut oil.

These mediums contain no driers, are solvent free and are all natural.

30ml: €45.00
60ml: €85.00

No VAT charged
Catalog:     Sku: AMBER VARNISH DARK Browse Category: Amber Varnishes
Displaying 1-2 of 2 Found.
October 21, 2024
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